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Stage one or early herpes outbreak photos

Early on, the herpes virus travels through the local nerves to the skin's surface, causing skin redness and minimal swelling.

This stage is commonly missed because the herpes skin bump, redness, and swelling are transient, lasting for a day or so.

Many other skin conditions can present similarly (i.e., look the same), and inexperienced patients commonly miss herpes’s first signs (people learn to recognize it over time as they become familiar with outbreaks).

People usually experience mild burning and tingling in the area caused by the herpes virus traveling through the local nerves to the skin surface.

Stage two or herpes blisters photos

Herpes blisters are the second stage of herpes. They form from the redness and bump of the initial stage. Fluid-filled blisters (fluid-filled sacs) might take a day or two to form.

Typical herpes blisters are:

  • Multiple
  • Usually clustered on the same red base
  • Of various shapes
  • Thin-walled

Typical blister fluid is:

  • Minimal
  • Clear or yellowish
  • Of a thin, watery consistency

It takes 1 to 3 days for the blister's roof to come off and a sore to form.

People usually experience discomfort or pain over the blistered area. The pain intensity is generally described as 7/10. It is persistent and aggravated by being touched.

Stage three or herpes sores photos

Herpes sores or ulcers form when the roof of blisters comes off.

At first, transparent, thin fluid might be visible on the surface; then, the sores crust over a few days. This is the longest herpes stage.

Since herpes ulcers form from herpes blisters, they have the same traits as the blisters:

  • Multiple
  • Clustered
  • Of various shapes
  • Often located on the same red base
  • Minimal underlying skin swelling

The person usually experiences discomfort or pain over the blistered area. The pain intensity is generally described as 7/10. The pain is constant and is made worse by touch.

Stage four or crusted herpes sores photos

Once the sores are covered with a crust, they will take about one week to heal. The person is still contagious, but not as much since the concentration of the herpes virus is significantly reduced.

Herpes photos in different stages: female

Herpes commonly affects the vagina, vulva, and perianal area. HSV-2 primarily causes it, but the HSV-1 virus can also be the cause.

Herpes photos in different stages: male

HSV-1 and HSV-2 can cause herpes outbreaks of the scrotum, penile shaft, head, or perianal area.

Herpes virus (especially type HSV-2) prefers this area because it is moist, thin-skinned, and easily gets small cuts with sex.

  1. Herpes Simplex Viruses (HSV)
  2. Images in infectious diseases: generalized Herpes simplex—images of an unusual HIV first presentation

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