35 W 36 Street, Suite 7 E New York, NY 10018


What are the first symptoms of Ureaplasma?

The most common first symptoms of ureaplasma in both males and females are pain and burning with urination and discharge (penile and vaginal).

Ureaplasma Symptoms

Symptoms of Ureaplasma in males

The most common ureaplasma symptoms in males are [1] Ureaplasma Infection https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/231470-overview#a5 :

Burning pain when peeing

Itch at the tip of the penis and inside

Penile discharge

Cloudy urine

Symptoms of Ureaplasma in Females

The most common ureaplasma symptoms in females are [2] Retrospective Analysis of the Ureaplasma Spp. Prevalence with Reference to Other Genital Tract Infections in Women of Reproductive Age https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9944971/ :

UTI symptoms of burning, increased urgency, and frequency with urination

More than usual vaginal discharge with smell

Lower abdominal pain

Vaginal pain with sex

Vaginal bleeding

Ureaplasma rectal symptoms

The most common rectal ureaplasma symptoms are:

Anal discharge

Pain with bowel movement

Anal itch


Rectal bleeding


Ureaplasma throat symptoms

Ureaplasma’s most common throat symptoms are

Chronic sore throat

Mild throat redness and swelling

Ureaplasma discharge

When present, ureaplasma discharge can be abundant.Its color can range from white to grey to green, and it hasa thin or watery consistency and an unpleasant fishy smell [3] Ureaplasma: current perspectives https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25865969/ .

Could Ureaplasma symptoms resemble other STDs?

Yes. Ureaplasma symptoms can resemble other STDs, such as:





  1. Ureaplasma Infection
  2. Retrospective Analysis of the Ureaplasma Spp. Prevalence with Reference to Other Genital Tract Infections in Women of Reproductive Age
  3. Ureaplasma: current perspectives

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