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How soon after contact can Chlamydia be tested?

The test for chlamydia is done via urine or swab. It is a PCR test that detects the bacteria.

The earliest time for Chlamydia testing is 1 week after contact.

The test that rules out the Chlamydia infection is done 3 weeks after contact.

How soon after exposure can Gonorrhea be detected?

The Gonorrhea test is a PCR test that detects bacteria.

It can be done via swab or urine.

The earliest time for Gonorrhea testing is 2 days after exposure.

The test that rules out the Gonorrhea infection is 2 weeks post-exposure.

How soon after sexual contact can HIV be tested?

The HIV test is done via blood [4] What is the window period for an HIV test? https://i-base.info/guides/testing/what-is-the-window-period .

The earliest time an HIV test can be done is 5-7 days after sexual contact via HIV DNA or RNA PCR test.

To rule out HIV, a test should be done 90 days after sex.

How soon after unprotected sex can Syphilis be tested?

The syphilis test is done via blood. It looks for different antibodies (TPPA and Treponemal Ab) produced by the patient after exposure to infection. That is why it takes a longer time to be reliable.

The earliest time for Syphilis testing is 9 days after exposure. But most resources believe it is somewhat reliable in 6 weeks.

The test that excludes Syphilis infection can be done only 90 days after exposure.

How soon after unprotected sexual contact can Herpes (HSV-1 and HSV-2) be tested?

Herpes tests can be done using a swab or a blood test. More on herpes tests here.

The most common Herpes test- the IgG test, can be first done 3 weeks after a sexual encounter. The IgG test rules out herpes in 3 months.

How soon after exposure can Trichomoniasis be tested?

Trichomoniasis test is done via urine or swab. It is a PCR test that looks for bacteria.

The earliest time trich can be detected is 5 days after exposure. But the test that excludes trichomonas is done 4 weeks after sexual contact.

How soon after unprotected contact can Mycoplasma be tested?

The Mycoplasma test involves collecting urine or swab specimens. It looks for bacteria via PCR.

The mycoplasma incubation period (Hominis and Genitalium species) is 2-35 days.

So, the first test for Mycoplasma can be done as early as day 5 after unprotected contact. The same test excludes Mycoplasma when it is done in 5 weeks.

How soon after sex Ureaplasma can be tested?

A PCR test that detects Ureaplasma Hominis and Urealyticum can be done via urine or swab.

The earliest time the ureaplasma test can be done is 10 days after exposure. However, testing in three weeks is necessary to rule out Ureaplasma.

How soon after unprotected contact, Hepatitis B and C can be done?

Both hepatitis B and C tests are done via blood tests.

The earliest time hepatitis tests (for Hepatitis C and B) can be done is 3-6 weeks post-exposure.

The test is definitive and rules out the presence of Hepatitis only after 3 months post-exposure.

  1. STDTesting
  2. Getting Tested for STIs
  3. Screening Recommendations and Considerations Referenced in Treatment Guidelines and Original Sources
  4. What is the window period for an HIV test?

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